In case of reports of problems with deposits not being automatically approved in the system, please observe the following guide-lines.

In our system, all deposits (Transactions) are stored FIRST on our side (insert of new transaction yields a NEW, unique TransactionId - which is an integer, primary key, auto-increment). The first thing that you will need is at least one transaction number that illustrates the problem that is being reported - in many cases, reports come to us explaining that "all deposits are not auto-approving"; This is NOT useful, really, since you need to know the transactionID of at least one that IS approved with the Processor (PSP).

Once you have an example to check:

  • Connect (via RDP if you have no other means to connect - such as FTP, for example) to the web-server for that domain.
  • Open C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Gnuhost.Trader.Web
  • Inside, you will find Logs folder
  • Inside, you will find a folder for the website (e.g. - this is the specific log-path for that website/domain.
  • Inside, you will find a separate log for each payment processor - each log file has the data/time stamp on it's filename - e.g. Fibonatix_20160702.log: That is for Payment Processor Fibonatix for 02 July 2016.
  • Try to find the specific transactionId that you are interested in (you will, of course, need to know the transaction's CreatedDate to know WHICH log-file to look in).
  • You will see in the logs that you have each transaction with "Initial Client Request" - those are the original parameters that the website sent to the PSP to START the deposit processing.
  • If you cannot find the transactionID again in that file, it means that there was no callback to the site.
  • If you DO find the transactionID again, it will be in titled (something like) FibonatixReturn / Fibonatix Callback.
  • From there, you should be able to see the response-data that was sent to the website, including whether the transaction was successful/declined.
  • IF you see the callback-data, but the Admin/CRM does NOT reflect that status, then an exception may have occurred - in which case, we will need to debug the request locally to see WHY that happened. For that, please let me know.
faq/support/crm/payments/processors/deposits_not_approved.txt · Last modified: 2019/04/10 08:50 by
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