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Pricelist exempt

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Standard support fee :

  1. 500 EUR/month for the infrastructure +
  2. 15% cap on the used services.

This makes us very predictable (price-wise) without creating thousands of columns of spreadsheet price offers.

I.e: you have

Total infrastructure: €6000
15% managed  : €900
Our support: €500
Total all: €7400

Management of the infrastructure costs in total €1400. Thats 1/3 of the sysadmin salary. Whats not to like?

Software platforms

Managed webhosting:

2-3 €99
4-* €79

Windows Servers / Remote Desktops

IdVCoresRAM (GB)Disk(SSD,GB)EUR/month


Mass mailing

Email/Month Recipients Setup Fee Monthly Price
150k 10.000 €40.00 €75.00
300k 20.000 €40.00 €145.00
500k 50.000 €40.00 €240.00
1000k (1 mln) Unlimited €0.00 €350.00
2000k (2 mln) Unlimited €0.00 €600.00

Backup Services

Storage Price / Month Setup Fee Premium Trafic Free Internal Traffic Concurrent ConnectionsFTPFTPSSFTPSCPSamba & CIFSHTTPSWebDAV
1 TB €50.00 €0 3 TB Unlimited 10 YYYYYYY
3 TB €90.00 €0 9 TB Unlimited 10 YYYYYYY
5 TB €160.00 €0 15 TB Unlimited 10 YYYYYYY
10 TB €280.00 €0 30 TB Unlimited 10 YYYYYYY
30 TB €490.00 €0 150 TB Unlimited 10 YYYYYYY
50 TB €730.00 €0 150 TB Unlimited 10 YYYYYYY
100 TB €1120.00 €0 300 TB Unlimited 10 YYYYYYY
1000 TB €9860.00 €0 3PT (3000TB) Unlimited 10 YYYYYYY